want to learn more about our fundraising programs?

UP TO 45% profit
On The Go Totes Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Holiday Wishes Fall Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Popcorn and Chocolates Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Sweets And Treats Fundraiser
UP TO 45% profit
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Spring In Bloom Fundraiser
UP TO 45% profit
Candle Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Popcorn & Peanuts Fundraiser
UP TO 45% profit
On The Go Totes Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Holiday Wishes Fall Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Popcorn and Chocolates Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Sweets And Treats Fundraiser
UP TO 45% profit
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Spring In Bloom Fundraiser

24 Cheer Fundraiser Ideas: Boost Your Team Spirit!


In the world of cheerleading, where passion and enthusiasm are the driving forces, there comes a time when your team needs a financial boost through a cheer fundraiser. Whether you’re aiming to purchase dazzling new uniforms, cover travel expenses for competitions, or invest in top-notch equipment, the journey to reaching your financial goals can be as exhilarating as a perfectly executed cheer routine.

But fear not, for we’re here to guide you through a treasury of 24 exhilarating cheer fundraiser ideas. These creative ventures will not only fill your coffers but also light a fire of team spirit that will keep your squad soaring high above the competition.


Setting the Stage for Successful Cheer Fundraising

Before we delve into the captivating world of cheer fundraising, it’s imperative to lay a solid foundation. Picture this: a crystal-clear goal, a team bursting with enthusiasm, and a meticulously crafted plan. These three elements are your compass on this fundraising adventure, ensuring that you navigate the exhilarating twists and turns with purpose.

The Importance of Team Spirit in Fundraising Activities

Imagine team spirit as the secret ingredient in your fundraising recipe. It’s not just an intangible concept; it’s the lifeblood that courses through the veins of your cheerleading squad. When team spirit is palpable, it has the power to transform mundane fundraising activities into thrilling adventures. It’s the contagious enthusiasm that inspires your cheerleaders to become fearless fundraisers and your community to rally behind your cause.

1. Custom T-Shirt Sales

Designing Unique Cheer-Themed Shirts

Custom t-shirt sales are the spark that ignites your fundraising journey. Picture this: a sea of vibrant, cheer-themed shirts, each one a unique work of art. These shirts are more than just fabric; they’re a canvas for your team’s creativity and an emblem of your spirit. Let your imagination run wild as you design shirts that not only showcase your team’s personality but also capture the essence of cheerleading itself. Think bold colors, catchy slogans, and striking graphics that are bound to turn heads and open wallets.

Tips for Marketing and Sales Success

Once you’ve designed these wearable masterpieces, the next step is to ensure they find their way into the eager hands of your supporters. This is where marketing prowess and sales finesse come into play. Harness the power of social media to create a buzz around your shirts. Craft captivating posts that reveal the design process, involve your cheerleaders in modeling them, and use hashtags that resonate with your target audience. With pre-orders, you can gauge demand and ensure that you’re not left with a surplus of unsold shirts.

2. Car Wash Extravaganza

Organizing a Fun and Effective Car Wash Event

Now, picture this: rows of glistening cars, the sun beaming down, and your cheerleading squad armed with sponges and soap. The car wash extravaganza is not just a fundraising event; it’s a spectacle that transforms the mundane chore of car cleaning into an exhilarating experience. Location is key, so choose a high-traffic spot where your squad’s energy can shine.

Maximizing Donations with Creative Ideas

But don’t stop at mere car washing. Elevate your event with creative touches that make it unforgettable. How about having your cheerleaders wear themed costumes, like car-wash superheroes, to add a playful twist? You could also provide entertainment with live music or a mini-carnival atmosphere. And remember, donations can flow more generously if you offer premium packages, like “The Deluxe Shine” with a complete car spa treatment.

3. Talent Show Showdown

Hosting a Talent Contest within the Community

The stage is set, the lights dim, and the audience is buzzing with anticipation. Hosting a talent show showdown within your community is not just a fundraiser; it’s an opportunity to showcase the hidden talents of your neighborhood while bringing people together in support of your cause. Invite local talent to shine, whether it’s singing, dancing, magic tricks, or stand-up comedy. The more diverse the talents, the wider the appeal.

How to Involve Local Businesses and Media

To make your talent show truly spectacular, reach out to local businesses for sponsorship. They can provide prizes, stage equipment, or even cover the venue costs. The more local businesses get involved, the more invested the community becomes in your success. Don’t forget the power of media coverage; local newspapers, radio stations, and television channels can help spread the word, ensuring a packed house on show night.

4. Popcorn Fundraisers

Choosing the Right Popcorn Varieties

Popcorn fundraisers take the aroma of freshly popped corn and turn it into a lucrative opportunity. But not just any popcorn will do. Imagine a tantalizing array of choices: classic buttery goodness, sweet and savory gourmet options, and even exotic flavors that transport taste buds to far-off lands. Offering a variety of popcorn flavors is like inviting your community on a mouthwatering journey.

Strategies for Selling and Distribution

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of selling this delectable treat. Consider selling popcorn at high-traffic locations like sporting events or local fairs, where the irresistible scent can draw in customers. Create eye-catching displays that showcase the different flavors, and offer samples that allow people to taste the magic before committing. And don’t forget to have a well-organized plan for distribution and delivery to ensure customer satisfaction.

5. Cheer Clinic for Kids

Planning a Day Camp for Aspiring Cheerleaders

Have you ever thought about imparting your cheerleading wisdom to the next generation of enthusiasts? A cheer clinic for kids can do just that. Imagine a day camp where aspiring cheerleaders gather to learn the ropes from your experienced squad members. It’s more than a fundraiser; it’s a chance to share your passion and expertise.

Utilizing Team Members as Coaches and Mentors

Your team members, with their skill and dedication, can serve as coaches and mentors to these budding cheerleaders. They’ll not only be learning cheers and routines but also the values of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance that cheerleading embodies. This not only benefits the youngsters but also strengthens the bond within your cheerleading family and fosters community engagement.

6. Community Raffle Event

Securing Prizes from Local Businesses

A community raffle event is like casting a net into the sea of community support and drawing in a bountiful catch of prizes. Reach out to local businesses with your heartfelt request for prize donations. Imagine the delight of your supporters when they see the array of exciting prizes up for grabs, courtesy of the generous local community.

Selling Tickets and Promoting the Event

Now, let’s talk about selling those raffle tickets. Craft visually appealing tickets that convey the excitement of the event. Don’t stop at traditional ticket sales; consider creative tactics like bundling tickets with other fundraising items. Promote the event through social media, flyers, and word of mouth. And here’s a tip: hosting the raffle during a local fair or a big community event can significantly boost attendance and ticket sales.

7. Fall Catalog Fundraisers

Selecting Products for the Fall Season

Fall catalog fundraisers bring the warmth and coziness of autumn right to your supporters’ doorsteps. Imagine a catalog filled with products that resonate with the season: plush blankets, scented candles, and delectable treats perfect for those chilly evenings. These products not only warm the heart but also ignite the desire to purchase.

Best Practices for Catalog Distribution and Sales

To ensure the success of your fall catalog fundraiser, carefully plan your distribution strategy. Provide your supporters with catalogs well in advance, allowing them to browse and plan their fall purchases. Offering exclusive discounts or bundles for early orders can provide an extra incentive. And remember, convenience is key; make sure your online ordering process is seamless and user-friendly.

8. Sponsorship Drive

Creating Appealing Sponsorship Packages

A sponsorship drive is like planting the seeds of a long-term partnership with local businesses. Imagine crafting sponsorship packages that present irresistible benefits to potential sponsors. These packages could include prominent logo placement at your events, social media shout-outs, or exclusive access to your cheer performances.

How to Approach and Secure Local Sponsors

Approaching potential sponsors requires finesse. Think of it as building a bridge between your team and local businesses. Start by researching businesses that align with your values and mission. Craft a compelling pitch that highlights the mutual benefits of the partnership. Local businesses often appreciate the opportunity to invest in their community and gain exposure through your team’s activities.

9. Bake Sale Bonanza

Organizing a Successful and Diverse Bake Sale

A bake sale bonanza is like a confectionery wonderland that tempts taste buds and opens hearts. Imagine team members and their families coming together to create a mouthwatering array of treats: cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and more. Diverse offerings not only satisfy different tastes but also turn your bake sale into a must-visit destination.

Involving Team Members and Their Families

Engage your cheerleaders and their families by encouraging them to contribute their baking talents. Not only does this ensure a wide range of delectable treats, but it also strengthens the bond within your team. Personal touches like handwritten labels or custom packaging can make each treat feel extra special.

10. Yard Sale Extravaganza

Collecting Items and Setting Up the Sale

A yard sale extravaganza is like uncovering hidden treasures and turning them into fundraising gold. Envision team members and their families decluttering their homes and donating gently used items. Imagine a neatly organized display of goods, from furniture and electronics to clothing and toys.

Advertising to Attract a Big Crowd

To draw a crowd, you’ll need effective advertising. Utilize social media, local classifieds, and eye-catching yard sale signs to promote your event. Consider offering early-bird shopping hours for a small fee to attract eager buyers. With the right promotion, your yard sale can turn into a bustling community event.

11. Dance-a-thon Challenge

Organizing a Dance Marathon Event

A dance-a-thon challenge is like hitting the dance floor for a good cause. Picture a lively event where participants pledge to dance for a certain duration, fueled by their passion and commitment to your team. Create a vibrant atmosphere with music, snacks, and the promise of dance contests.

Engaging Participants and Sponsors

To ensure the success of your dance-a-thon, engage participants and encourage them to seek sponsorships from friends, family, and local businesses. Make it a fun and interactive experience, with dance-offs, themed hours, and exciting prizes. The more energetic and engaging the event, the more funds you can raise to support your cheerleading dreams.

12. Restaurant Partnership Night

Partnering with Local Eateries

A restaurant partnership night is like a culinary celebration of community support. Imagine teaming up with local eateries that are willing to donate a portion of their sales to your cause. The idea is simple but powerful: supporters enjoy a delicious meal while contributing to your fundraising goals.

Planning a Night Where a Portion of Sales Goes to the Team

Promote the partnership night with enthusiasm through social media, flyers, and word of mouth. Encourage attendees to mention your team’s name when ordering to ensure their purchases count towards your fundraiser. Dining out becomes a delicious act of solidarity, bringing your community together to support your cheerleading journey.

13. Themed Photo Booth

Setting Up a Fun Photo Booth at Events

Imagine setting up a themed photo booth at your fundraising events, creating an immersive experience for attendees. A well-designed photo booth can be a delightful addition that captures the spirit of your cheerleading team and the excitement of the moment.

Creating Themed Props and Backgrounds

To make your photo booth truly special, consider designing themed props and backgrounds that align with your team’s personality. From pompoms to megaphones, and from cheer uniforms to creative backdrops, these elements can transport your supporters into the world of cheerleading. Encourage attendees to strike their best cheer pose or create memorable moments with friends, leaving them with tangible memories of your event.

14. Spring Catalog Fundraisers

Curating a Spring-Themed Product Selection

Spring catalog fundraisers herald the arrival of a new season, and with it, a fresh array of products to entice your supporters. Imagine curating a selection of items that capture the vibrancy and renewal associated with spring – gardening supplies, outdoor accessories, or wellness products to rejuvenate the body and soul.

Effective Techniques for Catalog Sales

When distributing your spring catalog, timing is everything. Launch your fundraiser as the first signs of spring emerge, enticing supporters to embrace the season with your offerings. Offer early-bird incentives, exclusive deals, or bundled packages to encourage swift and enthusiastic purchases. Ensure that your online ordering process is user-friendly, making it convenient for supporters to shop from the comfort of their homes.

15. Online Catalog Fundraisers

Leveraging Digital Platforms for Sales

In today’s digital age, online catalog fundraisers provide a convenient and far-reaching means of raising funds. Envision leveraging e-commerce platforms to present your catalog products to a wider audience. Your supporters can browse, shop, and contribute to your fundraising goals with just a few clicks.

Tips for Online Promotion and Engagement

To optimize the potential of your online catalog fundraiser, create a dynamic online presence. Utilize social media, email marketing, and your team’s website to engage supporters. Craft engaging content such as product demonstrations, testimonials, and countdowns to create excitement and drive sales. An effectively promoted online catalog fundraiser can attract not only your local community but also a broader online audience eager to support your cause.

16. Trivia Night

Hosting a Trivia Event at a Local Venue

Imagine hosting a trivia night at a local venue, transforming your fundraising efforts into a night of intellectual competition and camaraderie. A well-planned trivia event can draw in diverse participants, from trivia enthusiasts to those seeking a night of fun and challenge.

Organizing Teams and Trivia Categories

Encourage attendees to form teams and embrace friendly competition. Craft trivia categories that span a wide range of topics, catering to various interests. Whether it’s history, pop culture, sports, or science, there’s something for everyone. Sell tickets to the event, offer delicious food and drinks, and consider incorporating themed rounds to add an extra layer of excitement. Trivia night is not just about fundraising; it’s an opportunity for your community to come together, test their knowledge, and support your cheerleading journey.

17. Custom Calendar Sales

Designing a Cheer-Themed Calendar

Custom calendar sales are a year-round celebration of your cheerleading journey. Imagine designing a calendar that not only serves as a practical tool but also showcases your team’s spirit, highlighting special events, practices, and inspiring moments throughout the year.

Marketing and Selling Strategies

To promote your custom calendar, initiate pre-orders to generate interest and gauge demand. Utilize social media platforms to tease calendar sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes moments. Offer exclusive discounts or incentives for early purchases. Keep in mind that calendar sales can extend throughout the year, making it a consistent source of income that continues to engage your supporters and keep them connected to your team’s journey.

18. Fitness Challenge

Planning a Community Fitness Event

Imagine planning a community fitness event that encourages physical well-being and community involvement. Partner with local fitness experts or gyms to organize workout sessions, runs, or yoga classes that appeal to participants of all fitness levels.

Involving Local Fitness Experts and Gyms

Local fitness professionals can lead the sessions, providing expert guidance and motivation. Charge participation fees or seek sponsorships from local businesses to cover event costs and contribute to your fundraising goals. The event not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also fosters community unity as participants come together to support your cause.

19. Cookie Dough Fundraisers

Choosing a Variety of Cookie Dough Options

Cookie dough fundraisers are a delicious way to raise funds that can leave everyone’s sweet tooth satisfied. Imagine offering a delightful array of cookie dough options, from classic chocolate chip to indulgent red velvet or innovative salted caramel. Each choice becomes a tempting opportunity for supporters to contribute to your cause while enjoying a delectable treat.

Organizing Order Taking and Delivery

To execute a successful cookie dough fundraiser, streamline the process of order taking and delivery. Encourage your supporters to collect orders from family, friends, and colleagues, allowing them to reach a wider audience. Make the experience even more enjoyable by offering incentives for top sellers. Organize efficient delivery methods to ensure your supporters receive their cookie dough delights promptly and in perfect condition.

20. Movie Night Under the Stars

Setting Up an Outdoor Movie Screening

Picture this: a starlit sky above, a cozy blanket spread on the grass, and an outdoor movie screening that brings your community together under the night sky. Hosting a movie night under the stars is not just a fundraiser; it’s an enchanting experience that creates lasting memories.

Concessions and Ticket Sales

Sell tickets to your outdoor movie night and offer an array of concessions to enhance the cinematic experience. Popcorn, candy, and refreshing drinks can tantalize the taste buds while contributing to your fundraising goals. Choose family-friendly films that appeal to all ages, creating an inclusive atmosphere that invites families and friends to come together for a night of entertainment and support.

21. Craft Fair

Hosting a Craft Fair with Local Artisans

A craft fair is an opportunity to celebrate local talent and craftsmanship while raising funds for your cheerleading team. Imagine inviting local artisans to showcase their handmade goods, transforming your event into a vibrant marketplace of creativity.

Booth Rentals and Team-Made Crafts

Generate revenue for your team by renting out booth spaces to artisans and crafters. This not only supports local businesses but also provides an exciting variety of products for attendees to explore. Additionally, your cheerleaders can participate by creating and selling their crafts, adding a personal touch to the fair. It’s a win-win scenario that promotes community engagement and boosts your fundraising efforts.

22. Silent Auction

Collecting Items for the Auction

Organizing a silent auction is like curating a treasure trove of unique items and experiences that can captivate your supporters. Imagine reaching out to local businesses and individuals for donations, collecting items that range from luxurious to whimsical, each waiting to find a new home.

Tips for a Successful and Engaging Event

To ensure the success of your silent auction, present the items with flair and detail. Create captivating displays with descriptions that highlight the value and uniqueness of each item. Set bid increments and ending times to foster friendly competition among bidders. Maximize the engagement by promoting the auction through social media, local events, and community channels. An engaging silent auction not only raises funds but also generates excitement and community involvement.

23. Fun Run or Walkathon

Organizing a Community Fun Run

Imagine a sea of participants, from avid runners to casual strollers, gathering for a community fun run. Organizing a fun run or walkathon is not just a fundraiser; it’s an opportunity to promote fitness, well-being, and community unity.

Strategies for Participant Engagement and Sponsorship

To make your fun run a resounding success, encourage participants to seek sponsorships from family, friends, and local businesses. Create a lively and inclusive atmosphere with music, themed costumes, and prizes for various categories. Seek sponsorships to cover event costs and contribute to your fundraising goals. Whether participants aim to achieve personal fitness milestones or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll, your fun run can be an inclusive and memorable event that supports your cheerleading journey.

24. Gift Wrapping Services

Offering Gift Wrapping During Holidays

Capitalizing on the holiday season, offer gift wrapping services that add convenience and elegance to your supporters’ gift-giving experience. Imagine setting up stations in high-traffic areas, transforming mundane gift wrapping into an opportunity for your cheerleading team to shine.

Setting Up Stations in High-Traffic Areas

Secure permissions to set up gift wrapping stations at strategic locations such as shopping centers or local markets. Charge a fee for each package wrapped, offering various wrapping options to cater to different tastes and budgets. With a team of dedicated cheerleaders manning the stations, you can ensure that every gift is transformed into a beautifully wrapped present, leaving a lasting impression and contributing to your fundraising goals.


As we wrap up this comprehensive guide to 24 creative cheer fundraiser ideas, it’s essential to reflect on the incredible journey you’ve embarked upon. Fundraising is not just about collecting money; it’s about creating bonds, fostering community spirit, and elevating your team to new heights.

Recap of the 24 Fundraiser Ideas

Throughout this article, we’ve explored a diverse range of fundraising opportunities that have the power to not only fill your team’s coffers but also infuse your cheerleading squad with an unwavering sense of enthusiasm and camaraderie. From custom t-shirt sales to offering gift wrapping services, each idea offers a unique adventure waiting to unfold.

Encouraging Team Spirit and Community Involvement

Fundraising is about more than just financial support; it’s an opportunity to strengthen team spirit and engage your community in a shared mission. Whether you’re hosting events like talent shows or organizing fitness challenges, each endeavor fosters unity, commitment, and a sense of purpose among your cheerleaders.

As you embark on your fundraising journey, remember that the magic lies not only in the funds you raise but in the connections you build and the memories you create. Embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm, creativity, and a strong sense of community, and watch as your cheerleading team soars to new heights—both on and off the field.

Keep the spirit alive, continue to innovate, and celebrate each fundraising success as a testament to your team’s determination and the unwavering support of your community. With these 24 cheer fundraiser ideas in your toolkit, you’re well-equipped to elevate your team’s spirit and achieve your financial goals. Here’s to a successful and spirited fundraising journey!