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$1 Lolliball Lollipops

Elevate your fundraising efforts to new heights with $1 Lolliball Lollipops. Perfect for supporting youth sports leagues and high school teams, our unique football-shaped lollipops are a treat to the taste buds and a colorful way to achieve your fundraising objectives. With an extensive palette of colors and various delicious flavors, Lolliball lollipops offer an attractive and fun way to engage your community and score big toward your goals. Explore our selection and find the perfect match to represent your team spirit and drive your campaign to success.

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Each piece sells for $1.00, so the retail value of each case is $640.00 (640 x $1.00).

Each case of Lolliball lollipops costs between $300.00 and $260.00, depending on the number of cases you buy. For example, purchasing two cases would cost $600.00 (2 x $300.00).

You earn between $340.00 and $380.00, depending on how many cases you buy.  For example, if you purchase 2 cases, your profit would be $680.00 (2 x $340.00).

Cases Retail Cost Profit $ Profit %
1-19 640.00 300.00 340.00 53%
20-39 640.00 290.00 350.00 55%
40-59 640.00 275.00 365.00 57%
60+ 640.00 260.00 380.00 59%
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Product Details

  • Packaging: 640 lollipops per case. Cases contain eight inner cartons of 80. Each carton has two clear bags of 40.
  • Flavors:
    Green Apple Wild Cherry Strawberry
    Raspberry Orange Lemonade