want to learn more about our fundraising programs?

UP TO 45% profit
On The Go Totes Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Holiday Wishes Fall Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Popcorn and Chocolates Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Sweets And Treats Fundraiser
UP TO 45% profit
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Spring In Bloom Fundraiser
UP TO 45% profit
Candle Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Popcorn & Peanuts Fundraiser
UP TO 45% profit
On The Go Totes Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Holiday Wishes Fall Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Popcorn and Chocolates Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Sweets And Treats Fundraiser
UP TO 45% profit
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
UP TO 50% profit
Spring In Bloom Fundraiser

31 Dance Fundraising Ideas [You Should Try In 2023]

Fundraisers are important for the betterment of any kind of learning institution. If you want to host an international dance program, organize a successful prom night, introduce a new style of dance to your class, buy a new dance studio, or purchase dance costumes for a show, you need a significant amount of funds. The best way to raise funds for dance institutions is by planning and hosting amazing fundraising programs.

Gone are the days of traditional fundraising ideas such as door-to-door fundraising, which doesn’t work anymore in the modern-day context, where the taste and preferences of the audiences have changed drastically.

Are you finding it difficult to brainstorm some effective dance team fundraising ideas?

In this blog, we have come up with 31 top dance fundraising ideas to choose from. Stay tuned and keep reading till the end to learn more.

What Is A Dance Fundraising Idea?

A Dance Fundraising Idea simply refers to a Dance Team Fundraiser. It’s typically organized by a particular dance school or any other non-profits that raise money for the cause of the dance school. Running a dance school is expensive in today’s world. Starting from the audition fees and the fees of the trainers to the costumes, competitions, etc., everything related to its operations can be overwhelming.

One of the simplest ways to cover these costs is to raise funds throughout the year. Well, what comes to your mind when you hear “Fundraising?” Complicated planning, difficulty organizing, time-consuming procedure – you must have pictured fundraising ideas in this way, right?

Not necessarily fundraising has to be difficult, and when it comes to dancing fundraising ideas, there is a range of creative ideas that can deliver you a massive Return On Investment (ROI). The best part is you can involve the younger as well as older dancers of your dance academy in these easy fundraising programs to drive maximum engagement.

However, it’s crucial to follow the right fundraising tactics for your dance school’s cause to engage your supporters.

You’ll have to agree that convincing people to donate money for a cause that won’t benefit them at a personal level is not an easy task, but with the relevant dance fundraiser ideas, it’s possible to collect the donations easily.

31 Creative Dance Fundraiser Ideas For 2023

A well-formulated fundraising idea may usher tremendous impacts on the learning and dancing careers of your students. On top of that, if you add a touch of creativity to it, the event would be super fun as well.

Also, Fall is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to host fundraising campaigns for your dance school. It’s because Fall evokes feelings of generosity and coziness, and thus it’s the ideal season to cash in on all kinds of positive feelings and goals by organizing a money-raising program.

Here are 31 dance fundraising ideas that can have considerable positive impacts on your budget with a little effort.

1. Popcorn And Peanuts Fundraising

Popcorn and Peanuts Fundraising catalog cover 2024 | Presented by Midland Fundraising

Start A Fundraiser Now

Fall is the best season to host a Popcorn and Peanuts Fundraising campaign. A creative local fundraising idea like this can make your event most successful and help you collect the targeted amount. You can let your dance students arrange it since they can inject a number of creative ideas into it.

First, do a rough estimation of the buyers’ number and have flavored popcorn and peanuts ready. Next, simply create a Popcorn and peanuts stand at any community place like outside schools, in children’s parks, outside movie theatres, etc., to get the maximum attention of youngsters.  It is undoubtedly one of the most popular dance fundraising ideas that you can ever plan to sponsor the dance enthusiasts.

You can offer different flavored gourmet popcorn like salted caramel, spicy chili, cheese-butter, tangy tomato, apple pie, vanilla chocolate, and coconut curry popcorn. For the peanuts, you can keep them plainly salted or include twists such as salt and pepper peanuts, cream onion peanuts, Cheese Garlic peanuts, etc. Raise the fund by charging a small amount for each serving of popcorn and peanuts.

Create a small, adorable menu card about what your stand is offering, highlighting the name of your dance school and the objective of your dance fundraiser. You got it right; this is for the social awareness of your campaign.

2. Cookie Dough Fundraising

Cookie Dough Fundraising catalog cover 2024 | Presented by Midland Fundraising

Start A Fundraiser Now

What’s Fall Season without flavored cookies? A cookie dough fundraising program accompanied by soft chocolate muffins would be one of the most wonderful online dance fundraisers. If you want to add a sweet homemade twist to your dance fundraising ideas, this is the best choice.

Tell your older students and the parents of younger students to bake delicious cookies and muffins and bring them to your dance academy. You can organize a cookie stand just outside your school or at other community places where people visit the most with families and friends.

Set a nominal amount for each cookie purchase and give a free muffin for every purchase of a full cookie box. This way, you will be able to generate sales and reach your fundraising target easily. Cookies and Muffins are also good items for both breakfast and snacks, so you can expect a large number of buyers.

You can give the responsibility of selling these cookies to your younger students; so it will make the entire fundraiser endearing and close to the heart of community members.

3. Candy Bar Fundraising

Chocolatiers $2 Pack | Presented by Midland Fundraising

Start A Fundraiser Now

Eat more, spend less, and earn more with a candy bar fundraising campaign. You can literally have fun and make huge profits with everyone’s favorite candy products. You don’t have to think about the venue as any community place like a park, a courtyard of a team member, a wide footpath, and an accessible place outside cinema halls would perfectly work.

All you have to do is note down the names of some student volunteers who will be happy to give some of their time for free to help you organize the fundraiser. You can get your candies supplied by a local fundraising kit supplier. It will be great if they have no minimums and provide free shipping.

Now create some engaging banners related to the cause of your dance fundraising ideas to let the community members know more about this initiative. Decorate your stall and start selling the candies in exchange for a small amount to make money. You can also give some discount offers to your supporters in big candy boxes or candy tub purchases.

4. Candle Fundraising

candle Fundraising catalog cover 2024 | Presented by Midland Fundraising

Start A Fundraiser Now

With the festivals of the holiday season approaching, the dance fundraising ideas with candles is assumed to have a huge demand. Many people prefer buying them in bulk beforehand to avoid the last-minute hassle. You can target this amazing demand to raise money for your institution by organizing a candle fundraising event.

Handmade scented candles will be an amazing fundraising supply, so get a quick supply of homemade aromatic candles. Then set up a stall in an accessible community area to gather the maximum attention of the customers. In order to raise the fund, you have to charge some amount for each candle box.

If you want to get some extra bucks and keep some surplus out of your total earnings, have some high-quality candles in stock for which you can charge a little higher amount. While Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, and New Year is coming up, you can expect immense sales from this candle fundraising campaign.

You can offer some cute little notes having holiday wishes written to drive more value to your fundraiser. Keep a close track of the sales volume as well as the profit amount so that you can equally allocate the necessary finances to your causes.

5. Lollipop Fundraising

Yummy Stars Lollipops | Presented by Midland Fundraising

Start A Fundraiser Now

A lollipop fundraiser is one of the most successful dance fundraising ideas for community business donations. It’s highly advantageous because a Lollipop Fundraising Program can be held at any time of the year. It literally goes with every occasion.

From Color Blasters to Megarounds, from Sweet Pops to Sports Pops, Sour Pops to Church Lollipops, you can absolutely sell anything and everything to raise funds. As the first step, get the lollipops supplied from a local supplier.

Next, choose some volunteers from the dance students’ teams and give them a target amount and a deadline. A Lollipop stand can easily be organized in any community space at minimum or no cost. Hang down flyers nearby mentioning any special offer you would like to give away so that more people get to know about you.

Charge a nominal price for each lollipop and raise the necessary fund. Point to be noted that dance fundraising ideas like this can help local businesses to a great extent.

DIY Dance Fundraising Ideas

6. Movie Night

Movie Night | Dance fundraiser

A movie night is a flexible fundraiser that can be tailored to meet the fund requirement of your dance school easily.  In addition, it’s too much fun and an exciting dance fundraising idea where you can expect maximum participation from your students.

To be very specific, this event involves bringing together your school’s members to do a binge-watch and utilize the crowd to raise funds. Since there are a number of popular TV shows and web series available on the internet, you may face a challenge while selecting the movie that everyone will agree with.

To solve this issue, the best thing you can do is to do a poll amongst your dance team members with the names of a few movies. The one that will get the maximum votes will be selected for the movie night. On the other hand, you can use your dance studio itself as the venue to cut any additional expenses.

As the attendees will spend a whole night, arrange some delicious snacks such as Pizza, Burger, Chicken Nuggets, Coke, Popcorn, Nachos, etc. Provide the food and charge some amount from them to raise your funds. While it will be a thrilling experience, a movie night out can add much value to your fundraising objective.

7. Pancake Breakfast

Pancake Breakfast | Dance fundraising ideas

Pancakes are wonderful lip-smacking items for a fulfilling and healthy breakfast. Then why not use it to host a fundraiser? A pancake breakfast fundraiser with your dance academy students and their family members would be a huge success if planned and executed properly.

Have the dance students and the parents of the younger students make and serve pancakes together. Make the pancake breakfast party yummier by serving black coffee, sandwiches, extra honey, salad, and fruit juice.

To raise the necessary funds, charge a set fee for breakfast. Whether or not you will charge for the family members’ participation depends on the financial condition of your academy members. The participants can share amazing life experiences or stories at the breakfast table, which in turn will strengthen community bonding.

Again, to avoid any additional venue costs, you can use your dance studio and prepare the set with some chairs and dining tables. Being one of the best dance fundraising ideas, it allows you to decorate the set with flyers, posters, balloons, and stickers upholding the objectives of your fundraising program.

Some other good locations are the park lion, the local school’s cafeteria, and the biggest yard of the closest neighbor. This will create awareness among the donors and also make them put faith in your cause.

8. Mom’s Spa Day

Mom's Spa Day | Dance fundraising ideas

Dancing moms, especially the new moms, need some pampering and love too. If your dance academy has a group of mothers, host a spa day exclusively for them to raise money while showing appreciation at the same time. It’s one of the best fundraisers for dance teams you can ever think of.

The best part of these dance fundraising ideas is you can enlist your students only to do several activities like massage head and neck, rub shoulders, apply massage oils, do manicures, or play relaxing music. To make it even more special, you can arrange healthy snacks and beverages such as nut mix, fruit juices, lemon tea, sweet corn, etc.

Charge moms some amount for 30 minutes to 1 hour of relaxation and invite them to bring their coworkers and friends. In case you are wondering what the venue could be, you can contact a local massage therapy school or parlor that might be interested in leasing their space for free.

If not, you can just create a cool setup at your dance school’s studio only, which will also save money. A mom’s spa day is, therefore, one of the super cost-effective dance studio fundraising ideas to host.

9. Old School Dance A Thon

old School Dance a thon | Dance fundraising ideas

What’s a dance fundraising campaign without a Dance-A-Thon, right? Although they were popular in the 1950s or 1960s, they have never faded into oblivion. It’s one of the greatest dance fundraising ideas for dance schools that will raise a lot of money alongside creating exciting and cherishing memories.

Let every student of your dance school take part in this along with their family members. They will pledge to dance for a particular number of hours in exchange for a small number of donations. If your dance studio is not large enough to host this dance workshop, consider choosing a local park or a cheap auditorium.

Make it a full-day event and invite as many people as possible. The more people participate, the higher will be the fund amount. Get creative in your playlist because this is one of the biggest twists you can add to your dance-a-thon event. For instance, you can create an all-90s playlist to spark nostalgia among the younger adult participants.

Some more innovative fun twists to add are planning a secret flash bomb or breaking into jam circles from time to time as soon as everyone starts having their own moment. Serve healthy refreshments like nut mix, fruit juices, scrambled eggs, yogurts, fruit salads, popcorn, etc., to keep your dance teams going. To add some extra bucks, you can also charge a minor entry fee for the visitors to the program.

10. Yummy Hot Pizza Fundraising

Yummy Hot Pizza Fundraising | Dance fundraising ideas

Who doesn’t love Pizza, especially home-baked Pizza? Also, when it’s an event for Fall, a hot Pizza Fundraiser is one of the most feasible dance fundraising ideas that you should try. There is nothing complicated involved with this campaign. All your dance school has to do is sell home-cooked fresh Pizza at a community place in exchange for an amount.

Enlist your dance team members and their families or friends who will be more than happy to donate home-cooked pizzas at your event. Make sure all the ingredients that will be used are fresh and healthy. On the event day, arrange a stall of Pizza at places like community parks, outside movie halls, and schools, or near the metro station.

Do not forget to decorate your stall with flyers and banners mentioning the cause of your dance fundraising ideas to attract more buyers. As added attractions, you can sell a card with every pizza box informing their unique recipes for free. This will generate immense value as the procedure of making Pizza is unknown to a number of people.

Market your event as much as you can by posting catchy banners, flyers, and posters on social media platforms.

11. Virtual Dance Contest

Virtual Dance Contest | Dance fundraising ideas

Virtual and online fundraisers have gained increased popularity, especially during COVID-19. Philanthropic organizations and non-profits across the world have already raised tons of money for their causes with the help of this strategic tactic. So, use it for your dance school now in a systematic way.

If your academy has a number of virtual students from all over the globe, a virtual dance contest is one of the best dance team fundraisers. The dance fundraising ideas allow the individuals to participate for the growth of the industry and feel good about themselves. It is a peer-to-peer fundraising approach where your dance students will create their personal digital fundraising pages.

After customizing it with explanations of why they like your studio and why they value the goals of your campaign, they will be sharing these pages with family members and friends.  In addition, a digital invitation letter or a booklet mentioning the details of the contest should also be made and shared. The best tools to do it are social media platforms.

On the contest day, you can expect a huge audience from across the world and a massive amount of funds. This way you can easily spread the word about your virtual dance-a-thon far and near to encourage your supporters to back your fundraising campaign.

12. Babysitting Fundraiser

Babysitting Fundraising | Dance fundraising ideas

A babysitting fundraiser is one of the wonderful dance team fundraising ideas to host all year round. Do you have dancers at your academy who have small kids? In their busy life schedule, they don’t get enough time to hang out. So, why not help them by hosting a babysitting dance fundraising idea?

Parents will drop off their primary and pre-primary kids for 3-4 hours any time of the day in exchange for a specific amount to catch a movie and dinner. You can keep the dance fundraising ideas event as attractive as possible since your dance studio has to host a group of adorable kids and babies for a long time.

Decorate your dance studio with items to attract little kids, such as colorful smiley balloons, emoji soft toys, teethers, play gums, books, balls, activity boards, etc., to keep them engaged. Provide the kids with delicacies such as chips, chocolates, ice-creams, popcorn, and exotic fruit juices.

The older students and senior faculties will keep the children entertained by playing interactive games with them or watching cartoons together.

13. Dance Costume Sale

Dance Costume Sale | Dance fundraiser

Your dance academy must have a bunch of gorgeous costumes which have been worn only once during a themed dance show. Why don’t you use them to create an awesome fundraiser for your dance school’s cause?

A dancewear and costume sale is the best place to help those who are in need and raise money simultaneously. Dancers and parents can collect leotards, hairpieces, shoes, costumes, ornaments, and anything that doesn’t fit anymore and donate them to your fundraiser.

Old dancewear is much more affordable in comparison to a pair of new tap shoes. So, you can eliminate the cost of purchasing costumes for your fundraiser. Choose a children’s park or the footpath outside your dance school as the place to sell clothes. Use banners, flyers, and posters to spread awareness and attract buyers.

Keep a minimum amount since a large section of your buyers will be homeless people who can’t afford high-priced dresses. In addition, sell small treats like free hugs, lollipops, or a fun-size skittles packet with cute notes wishing good luck.

14. Dancing Photos

Dancing Photos | Dance fundraising ideas

A dance troop is just incomplete without photos of cool dance poses, hair, props, and funky makeup items. These photos with dance team members are very close to the heart as they make people feel nostalgic about the good old days.

A fun photo session with your dance team members can be utilized as a way to raise funds for your cause. If you don’t want to hire any experts from outside, check in with your creative dancers and parents first to see if there are professional stylists, makeup artists, and photographers. This will enable them to showcase their talents as well.

On the day of the fundraiser, get the team members, photographers, and grooming members together in your dance school and host the photo session. Let them get their photos clicked for free but charge a small amount to take the printout of the photos.

Nobody will miss this chance to create memories together and capitalize on this opportunity to raise funds. It is safe to consider that the dance fundraising ideas is what you need to earn more  profit for your cause, easily and quickly. Invite your students’ families and friends also to increase the number of funds and spread happiness. A photo fundraiser can be one of the most creative ideas to fundraise for the dance team.

15. Visit Haunted Houses

Visit Haunted Houses | Dance fundraiser

A visit to haunted houses can be a fabulous option to plan and host a campaign, but you can make it more quirky with the help of your dance team members. Dancers spend a lot of time with quirky makeup ideas and costumes.

So, you can plan a Haunted House Visit with your students dressed as ghosts. This will add a great thrill to your entire fundraiser people will love to join your group. You can also invite your members’ friends to make the necessary amount quickly. Also, it’s a very easy and cost-effective way to raise money.

Select an old, abandoned house around your locality to create a naturally spooky feeling. Make sure the condition of the house is safe to run the fundraiser throughout the day. You may have to obtain the local authority’s permissions beforehand.

Pick a time and start the journey with your ghostly dance troops. Take a small amount from each participant as the registration fee to take part in this spine-chilling visit to the haunted house. You should also carry a safety aid box in case it’s needed.

16. Social Media Challenges

Social Media Challenges | online dance fundraisers

A Dance School Fundraising can be a blast if you just follow the direction of the latest trends, and a social media challenge can be just amazing to host a successful fundraiser. Do you know the best part of hosting a social media challenge fundraiser? You can just select any trending challenge to make it work. It is hence the best dance fundraising ideas that you can explore and add a variety to!

To start this fundraising program, your dance school must have social media presence on one or two social media platforms – preferably Facebook and Instagram. Now just announce a challenge, the duration of the activity, and the time/date of the result.

Here are some great examples of dance team social media challenges to choose from – the Ice bucket challenge, book bucket challenge, no makeup selfie challenge, etc. Each of these is very easy to plan and derive results.

Charge a small amount from the attendees and their family members, friends, etc., to raise the money for your dance fundraising ideas. Keep arrangement of some delectable munchies as special attractions, and you will see how people will be excited to take part in these challenges. You can also give the winners cool prizes such as gift coupons, hashtag necklace, cookie cutter set, social media collar, Thumbs up/thumbs down shot glasses, etc.

17. Kids’ Games Night

Kids' Gaming Night | Dance fundraising ideas

For a tight-knit dance studio, hosting a Kid’s Games Night can be a blasting success. Talk to the parents of your little students or those older students who have small kids that your staff will take care of them and keep them entertained for a night. It is necessary if you are planning to organize any dance fundraising ideas for the kids.

Register the names of the kids your academy will be taking responsibility for in exchange for an amount that’s cheaper than babysitting charges. On Games Night, order foods they like, such as Pizza, pasta, chips, nuggets, or burger for them, put some music on, and let them dance like nobody is watching them. For younger kids, keep them engaged with some adorable soft toys, art supplies, and colorful story books.

Make some basic but cozy sleeping arrangements if somebody wants feels tired and wants to sleep. When it comes to creating awareness, you can promote this directly with emails, social media posts, and flyers not only to the parents of the dance school but also to the local community parents. The more registration you get, the higher will be the fund amount.

18. Car Wash Day

CAR WASH DAY | Dance fundraising ideas

A car wash fundraiser should be on your priority list while shortlisting dance fundraiser ideas. It’s a fun way to gather funds for your institute while helping your team do some healthy exercise and building team spirit.

One of the biggest benefits of a Car Wash program is that your community people will be able to get their vehicles cleaned. It’s a sort of cleanliness campaign where you won’t face a shortage of customers. All you need is towels, a sponge, soap, a group of service providers, and a sufficient amount of elbow grease.

Select some interested volunteers from your dance group and let them manage the fundraiser. Equip your car wash team with the cleaning supplies and get ready at a good place like a big parking lot, a gas station, or a basketball court. Take a particular amount from every car owner as compensation for the service your team will provide.

Pick a suitable time to start the event – for instance, a summer afternoon to get the maximum flow of customers. Since a number of cars will be waiting in the area for a long time, make arrangements for eatables to boost engagement and retention of the customers.

19. Restaurant Night

Restaurant Night | Dance fundraising ideas

A restaurant fundraising is one of the many good dance fundraising ideas that can be run easily and is possible to wrap up within a short time. There are many restaurants willing to host fundraisers for your institution. Either you can give them the full responsibility of organizing and running the event or get some student volunteers to take care of everything in the restaurant.

If you choose the former option, the restaurant will give you a percentage of their sales, while for the latter, you have to pay some amount to the restaurant for leasing their establishment. You can give a catchy name to your event like “Done-To-Donate,” or “Spirit Nights” to be vocal about the goal of the event. To make money and reach the fund target, take some amount from each attendee as a registration fee for the dining event.

Your team will do the advertising to get people in this campaign, including your dance academy students, their family members, friends, and relatives, while the restaurant will take care of the rest. If possible, choose the food items you would like to keep on the menu by knowing the invitees’ preferences.

20. Masquerade Fundraiser

Masquerade Fundraiser | Dance fundraising ideas

A masquerade fundraiser is a fun way to raise a considerable amount of money for the dance clubs and dance schools. For the dance marathon fundraising ideas like this, you have to plan a glamorous and fun night with a blend of mystery and elegance.

Your dance school members and their families or friends can take part in this activity. It’s essential for the dancers and other invitees to dress up with a masquerade on their faces and dance in the event. Use the dance studio or a common area of your dance institution to create the setup. To get creative with your dance fundraiser ideas you can get some mysterious lights turned on to create the vibe, and make arrangements for wine and fine dinner items.

You can either get the food ordered from a local restaurant at lower prices or tell your older students to cook some food and bring them to the school. It’s a MUST to put some uncanny music on so that the participants can dance to their fullest while enjoying the environment at the same time. To raise the money, ask the supporters to pay an amount as an entry fee to the masquerade party.

21. Themed Silent Auctions

Themed silent auctions | Dance fundraising ideas

A Silent Auction is simply one of the most brilliant dance fundraising ideas for dance companies. A game like this can enhance your fundraising event. Plus, if you add a fun theme to it, a Silent Auction fundraiser can be hugely successful.

Not only will you raise a substantial amount of money for your institute, but also your donors will enjoy valuable prizes. First, pick a theme from several ideas such as Sports and Fitness, Food & Drink, Home Goods, etc. It’s advisable to choose a theme that is somehow relevant to the objective of your fundraising program.

A vacant plot of land will work best as the place to host. Now collect the items for your guests to bid on, depending on the themes. Sell each item to the highest bidder and make the most money. To conduct the bidding, you can use either paper sheets or mobile bidding software.

Silent Auction fundraisers can deliver jaw-dropping positive results if you select the right theme as well as bidding items.

22. Wine Tasting Night

Wine Tasting Night | Dance fundraising ideas

A wine-tasting fundraiser can put a lot of fun into your fundraising campaign; however, this type of event needs special considerations if you do the brainstorming in a systematic way. Choose some volunteers from your existing students to organize it as the first step to hold any of your dance fundraising ideas.

Then, choose a favorable date and reserve the location. Weekends would be preferred by all, and for the location, you can reserve any community hall. It’s crucial to know that you’ll have to take care of the legalities – whether alcohol is allowed in the fundraisers in your locality. Next, you will have to coordinate the volunteers to acquire some good quality wines and make art on the wine bottles once they are delivered to your place.

Also, a wine-tasting night becomes more exciting with entertainment activities. For instance, you can play some good classical music or host a live dance performance by your institute’s students to keep the attendees entertained. Collect the fund by charging a registration amount from each invitee.

An absolutely certain way to drive a higher sale to your wine-tasting event is to get the word out through social media platforms and physical promotional channels. For instance, you make banners and flyers to hand out around your city and email your students’ parents to let them know.

23. Bake Sale

Bake Sale | Dance fundraising ideas

Organizing a Bake Sale Fundraiser doesn’t take much. All you need is the ingredients and the equipment, such as flour, egg, butter, sugar, baking soda, spatula, beater, an oven, etc.; dance studios can easily afford these items to host a successful bake sale event to raise funds.

In addition, people love to have baked items and feel cozy during Fall. If you can convince your students and their parents to bake cakes and cookies at home and donate them to your campaign, you don’t have to pay for the supplies. Take a few dollars from each buyer for each cookie and cake to raise the fund.

In case you are wondering where to host the event, any public gathering place will be fine. You can also request your local coffeehouse to allow you space for some time to run the campaign. The biggest advantage of this bake sale event is that you can put them together easily and get the desired results quickly.

Promoting a bake sale fundraiser on social media is also cool. You can post engaging banners, flyers, brochures, etc., to attract supporters. If you give away some token of love to each buyer, like lollipops, smiley balloons, candies, or a flower, your dance fundraising ideas will become extremely competitive.

24. Art Night For Older Dancers

art night for older dancers | Dance fundraising ideas

What if your academy students have more hobbies other than dancing; for example, Painting? Reap the benefits of it by hosting an Art Night Fundraiser. This is one of the most viable fundraisers for dance studios and is also counted as the top dance fundraising ideas where creativity knows no bounds.

Find a relevant theme and tell your older students to participate and create art based on that. Charge a particular amount as the registration fee to join the Art Night. Tell your students to bring cheap art supplies they already have in their homes so that they don’t have to bear any extra costs.

If your fund target is high, you can tell the students to bring their family members or friends to the event and let them get creative for a good cause. Art nights are so much fun if snacks and drinks are included in the entry coupons. All the art produced will be used to decorate your dance academy in order to recognize the efforts of every participant.

25. Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament

Rock Paper Scissors | Dance fundraising ideas

Remember the stone, paper, scissor tournament we used to play in childhood? Cherish it again now through a Rock, Paper, Scissor Tournament – the same game with a little different name. For the students, keep a nominal entry price if you are planning to turn your dance fundraising ideas into a reality.

You can also invite your students’ families to take part in the game. Pair every player together and start the tournament by matching them up. Determine the winner by picking the best 2 out of the 3 games after which the shortlisted winners will compete against each other. The final winner along with the runner ups will be awarded a reward.

You can give it a more funny twist by conducting social media challenges. The ice bucket challenge, or “drink and guess the beverage” challenge will be simply great. To increase your fund amount you can ask the players who lost to rejoin by donating an additional $5.

26. Dancers’ Chili Cook-Off

Dancer's Chilli Cook off | Dance fundraising ideas


A chili cook-off fundraiser is a too much fun competition between the dance students to see who can cook up the best bowl of chili. Find a great cook with good knowledge of the taste of different foods amongst the parents who will judge the recipes.

Take a small participation fee from each contestant and let them cook their heart out. Remember that each recipe will be based on chili as the main ingredient. Also, to taste the chili items have tickets of small prices; as a result, you will be able to earn some extra bucks after the event.

The competition can be quite deliciously fierce and the top contestants will be awarded prizes. You should also offer entertainment to keep the audience and participants engaged. Think about the DJs, Bands, commentaries, drinks, desserts, snacks, and more. To host the contest, choose a spacious courtyard, a children’s park, or a wide parking lot.

27. Dance Studio Alumni Luncheon

Dance-Studio-Alumni-Luncheon | Dance fundraising ideas

Your ex-students also deserve some love and recognition, right? You can show these to them and also raise funds for your cause side-by-side through an Alumni Luncheon. Planning your dance fundraising ideas can be very simple and less time-consuming, if you pick up the right theme for your audience.

You can host it at your dance academy only if it has enough space or at any local neighborhood eatery. It’s recommended to go for the first option as the latter may require additional expenses.

Prepare a draft budget considering the number of invitees, food items, and decoration items. Call the alumni up and let them know about the invitation. You can host it on a separate day or a weekend. Print coupon cards at cheaper prices and sell them to the invitee to earn money for your fund.

To make the event nostalgic, tell the students to share some happy or good memories related to this dance school. The discussion will be both fun and interactive since they will get to know each other as well as the academy very closely.

28. Costume Play

Costume play | Dance fundraising ideas

A cosplay fundraiser can be quite creative if you can plan and host accordingly. Are you wondering whether your students need to purchase fancy dresses to take part? Absolutely No! They can use their old clothes and a few basic makeup items to dress up as their favorite characters.

Encourage your younger and older dancers to doll themselves up as their favorite characters from movies, TV shows, and literary pieces. Take a small amount of entry fee from each contestant to raise money.

You can also select a trained senior costume specialist or a makeup artist from the parents to judge the outfits of your contestants and find the winner. Adding a vibe of competition would add more fun to the event. It’s a fantastic concept to involve your students and develop their creative skills as well as imagination abilities.

For some extra earnings, you can click photos of the dressed-up participants and sell them to their parents in exchange for $3-$5 dollars.

29. Sell Swag

Sell Swag | Dance fundraising ideas

Swag is one of the smartest dance fundraising ideas that can make a huge impact on your fundraising goal. There is nothing complicated in selling Swag items as they look cool enough. In addition, you can host it during any occasion and can also wrap it up within a short span.

If you are thinking about what the popular swag items to sell are, here are the quick mentions of them: Bumper Stickers, Travel Mugs, T-shirts, Coffee mugs, Dance shorts, Stickers, Totes, Dance gear, etc. You can certainly design your own merchandise online but if there is anyone in your dance academy who loves to customize garments, you can use his/her skill.

Once the items are designed, sell them in your school at discounted prices. The dancers will love to buy them, especially if there is a logo of your dance school printed on the products. In this way, you can boost a feeling of integrity among them and earn more from your fundraiser.

30. Grocery Shopping Fundraiser

Grocery Shopping | Dance fundraising ideas

A grocery-shopping fundraiser is a fabulous fund money-making idea for nonprofits. It’s true that the Fundraisers involving food items draw a huge crowd and a campaign selling daily food items will be able to raise sufficient funds for your cause.

Tell your dance students and their parents to donate some extra, fresh groceries from their stock. You can name your fundraiser as a Concession Stand to gain more attention and sell the items at rebated prices.

This is one of the most helpful dance fundraiser ideas that will benefit the community as a whole. Arrange a stall in an easily accessible public place and you will see a huge flow of homeless and underprivileged people who are in need of food.

In addition, you can get a food truck for a specific time and keep selling the groceries while moving. This method will help you to earn more as you will cover a considerable distance by truck.

31. Mini Golf Tournament

Mini Golf Tournament | Dance fundraising ideas

There must be many golfers in your community as well as in your dance school. Hosting a Mini Golf Tournament could be an excellent method of raising funds and promoting your dance academy. However, organizing a Golf contest is not cheap.

But if any of your students have the required equipment, you can tell them to give it to your academy for a day. This fundraiser will require you to take additional volunteers to plan and host the event. A little bit of systematic planning and you will be all set to earn money.

Select a local playground and decorate it along its boundaries with the name of your fundraising school and your cause. This will help you convey the message of why and how you are doing this. Charge an entry fee for the spectators to drive the revenue. This event will draw crowds since it would be conducted in your locality and the local neighborhood spirit would play a great role here.

In addition, a mini golf tournament can be rounded off in a short time, so you can divide and allocate your funds for the necessary purpose.

Choose A Fundraising Program

Raise For Your Dance Studio!

Dance studios or dance institutes are vital sources of creativity; however, financial survival is challenging during difficult times. Jotting down the needs for your studio and then hosting a fundraiser will position you to reach your target.

Indeed, fundraisers are all about money, but the 31 dance fundraising ideas we recommended and explained above also help integrate the community. Whether your team is large or small, these fundraising ideas are just curated for you. Shake things up & raise funds! Our dance fundraiser idea will get everyone grooving for a good cause!

We want to help! Get in touch with us to plan and host a profitable dance fundraising idea. We will help you make sure that every penny of your fundraising efforts goes to your cause only.